6 Easy Steps or Ways to Increase Your Lungs Capacity

There is not a single shadow of doubt on the importance of lungs. Lungs are the prime organs of our respiratory system. Lungs are what helps your body to breathe. They are responsible for the removal of waste gases from your body and they help the fresh air to move in.


We often forget to keep our lungs healthy and rather shift on medications. So today I will be sharing some tips that I get to learn when I visited a pulmonologist in Islamabad. These are some of the steps that you can take to keep your lungs well for the long run.

Tips for Healthy Lungs


It is due to the healthy activity of our lungs that we are able to feed our cells. So make sure to keep them well. Here are some tips which will help you in lung care.

1.     Hydration is the Key


Water is the fundamental block of life for a reason. We have been told since our first step on this Earth, that we have to keep our body hydrated. This is due to numerous reasons.. Water is what keeps your body stable and makes sure to provide the right atmosphere for your cells to function.


If you keep a check on your fluid intake, you are able to keep the mucosal linings of your lungs wall thin. It is very important for you these linings to stay lean because that is how your lungs are able to function better and its also leads to a better health of your lungs and also stops it to produce acadic acid in the stomach.

2.     Watch that Posture of Yours


Lungs are extremely delicate structures. They will fit in the room that you make for them. So make sure to correct your posture.


You might have heard of the phrase sit tall and reach overhead. This is not just a statement that moms have learned for scolding their kids. There is a very scientific reason behind it. You are providing your lungs the room that they deserve by doing so.


In case you want to give them more room, lean back on a stable chair and lift your chest. Make sure to breathe deeply. These simple changes will help you to increase your lung capacity.

3.     Laughter is the Best Therapy


Yes, you read it right…. Laughter is an exercise that increases the capacity of your lungs. It helps your abdominal muscles to relax. If you laugh you are flushing out all the stale air out of your lungs. When the stale air moves out, it clears more room for fresh air to enter.


So, make sure to laugh out every once in a while. It will not only keep your mind fresh but will also increase your lungs capacity.

4.     Deep Breaths


A simple exercise for your lungs and their increased capacity is deep breathing. Given below is the exercise for you to improve lung capacity.

First inhale slowly, then expand your belly in a conscious manner. Keep in mind that you have to lower the frame of your diaphragm. The next activity is for you to expand your rib muscles. Your ribs will open like a pair of wings. Then proceed with the expansion of your chest and then lift.


After the successful completion, make sure to exhale. Bring the stomach muscles in and then lift the diaphragm. Exhale the last bit of trapped air.

This exercise will work wonders for your lung capacity.

5.     Smoking ….Quit  Right this Instant


There is not a single opinion that is in the favour of smoking. Smoking does not do a single good thing for your body. But it does lot of harm to our body. The nicotine smoke when gets trapped inside your airways tends to destroy them. This can be the onset of a number of respiratory issues that you will face eventually.


Make sure to quit smoking right at this instant. This will bring your lungs activity back to normal at least 10% after you successfully get rid of this activity for a span of nine months.

6.     Vitamin D


Recent studies have stated that the vitamin D and its consumption is very effective for the lungs and their health. The easiest way to get an ample amount of the vitamin D is through the sun.


But you do not have to worry in the winters, you can get the required amount of vitamin D by consuming the supplements.

The Bottom Line


Breathing is what sustains life. Life ceases to exist if we fail to breathe. The coming in of fresh air and the breathing out of stale air is what keeps the momentum in check. Thus make sure to utilize the above-mentioned ways and improve your lungs capacity.

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