
Wear and tear arthritis, or OA, is the common name for osteoarthritis. It is an inflammation that occurs when the cartilages that cushion the ends of our bones wear down over time. It is a casual form of arthritis having its effect worldwide. Usually, it affects heavy joints such as joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine.


Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:


The most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are-


  • Pain-

An individual may feel OA pain while performing daily routine activities or doing work after a certain time interval. In severe arthritis, the pain may even get worse if the cartilage cushion gets damaged completely due to increased friction between the bones.


  • Stiffness-

A person may feel stiffness in joints after awakening or after taking a rest.


  • Inflexibility-

There are chances of loss of flexibility in the joints, which can lead to improper movement of joints.


  • Bone spurs-

It might happen due to the thickening of the joint lining or extra fluid in the joint capsule. The growth of extra bone can be noticed in the case of the joint in the fingers.


  • Swelling-

It may occur due to soft tissue inflammation around the affected joint. Usually, it occurs when synovial fluid exceeds the required amount in the affected joint or the parts of broken-off cartilages start floating causing an increase in pain and swelling.


  • Lack of stability-

A person may experience instability while walking due to sudden locking of joints and buckling in the knees. As a result, they may fall or cause severe injury to themselves. The joint might feel soft and weak, even a slight pressure is applied to it.


The symptoms may develop slowly but may worsen with the passage of time. Recognizing the early warning signals may help to cure the disease on time.


Causes leading to Osteoarthritis:


The main cause of osteoarthritis is when cartilages near the end of bones completely deteriorate and the bones begin to rub against one other, causing the joint to become inflamed.


Factors that may contribute to increasing the risk of osteoarthritis are-


  • Age-

The risk of disease increases with age. It naturally begins in the late ’40s. Due to the ageing factor, the body may not be able to work effectively. An individual’s muscles become weak or gain in weight may contribute to the inflammation.


  • Gender-

Osteoarthritis usually happens more to females than males.


  • Repetitive Stress-

If the occupation of individual places regular stress on the affected joint then they are likely to develop inflammation frequently.


  • Past injuries-

An individual may eventually develop osteoarthritis from past injuries including dislocated joint, ligament injury, or torn cartilage. As a wound may seem to be healed, but the chance of arthritis increases so it is necessary to have general check-ups, you can also online prescription without putting effort into going to a hospital or clinic.


  • Bone deformities-

Some people are born with bone deformities as a result the chances of arthritis increase in such situations.


  • Genetics-

In certain cases, an individual may inherit inflammation through genes as a result of mutations in a single gene influencing collagen, which can occur at a young age.


  • Obesity-

It is the most obvious cause of osteoarthritis, an increase in body weight can lead to more inflammation. Extra weight adds pressure to the joints leading to the development of disease in the joints such as knees and hips.


  • Metabolic diseases-

Diseases such as diabetes or any other disease which secretes iron, the body may favour a condition suitable for the formation of osteoarthritis.




The treatment of osteoarthritis does not involve any kind of blood test. It mainly involves certain steps to be undertaken such as-


  • X-Rays-

These are used to diagnose inflammation. These help to find out the damaged part in the joint, the formations of bone spurs, or to find out the narrow space between two adjacent bones. Such tools help doctors to make the final decision, whether the patient requires surgery or not, for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis. X-Rays also help to verify other kinds of arthritis in the joint. It reveals the amount of damage that has occurred in the joint.


  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-

It is another way of producing detailed images of the affected part, by using radio waves and magnetic rays through the bones and soft tissues. Though it does not provide something special but may provide something more labelled than x-rays, in case of complex cases.


  • Joint fluid analysis-

The doctor then extracts fluid from the affected part of the joint by using the needle. The fluid is then analyzed to find the exact cause of pain or stiffness in the joint. It may also reveal the symptoms of Goat arthritis or any other infection in the joint.


  • Hyaluronic acid (HA) injections-

It is naturally found in the synovial fluid present in the joint in case of swellings. It acts as a lubricant that provides aid to move in a wide range of motion to the joint. The fluid is present in a lower amount in the body. When it is injected it eases the pain and stiffness in the joint. Sometimes, it may have certain side effects such as swelling or temporary pain.


  • Cortisone injections-

The doctor provides treatments by numbing the affected area and injecting the medication. It may provide relief from the pain for few weeks. This medicine should opt for just 3-4 times in a year. It may have a bad impact on skin colour, abnormal bleedings, damage to tendons, or an infection.


  • Joint replacement-

In case if the joint is damaged completely then the doctor replaces the affected joint with metal or plastic parts. It may become loose with the passage of time or may wear out. There are chances of blood clotting or infections in the joint.




  • Physical exercise-

Performing physical activities may help to get relief from stiffness and pain around the joint. Choosing low-impact activities such as walking and swimming for 20-30 minutes with frequent pains may help to overcome the pain of osteoarthritis. This ensures that the muscles of the affected parts become stronger.


  • Sufficient sleep-

Sleep of 6-7 hours a day helps the body to repair its damaged tissues. It may help to reduce pain, swelling and stiffness in the body. It may help the body to work more effectively.


  • Appropriate weight-

As extra weight lays huge pressure on the joints leading to the development of arthritis. Inflammation in the body can be reduced by maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Occupational risks-

Jobs that involve a lot of physical activities may increase the risk of pain and stiffness in the joint. An individual must seek advice from a doctor to avoid movements like twisting, lifting and kneeling.


  • Maintaining sugar level-

A person must keep the glucose level balanced in the body. As high levels of sugar may increase inflammation in the affected part. Diabetes may accelerate the growth of osteoarthritis in the body due to cartilage loss in the joint.


  • Intake of painkillers

Doctors usually prescribe painkillers to reduce pain and stiffness in the affected joints. Sometimes, an individual may wear a brace to support the knees against inflammation.



To recapitulate, osteoarthritis is a sort of progressive condition. The symptoms should not be ignored. Proper care of affected joints with suitable medication and appropriate therapies can help an individual to overcome arthritis.

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