Man sentenced for killing woman in Oakland crash, incident where Fremont cops fatally shot teen

Man sentenced for killing woman in Oakland crash, incident where Fremont cops fatally shot teen

OAKLAND — A Bay Area man was sentenced to 17 years in prison for the deaths of his pregnant girlfriend and a 21-year-old woman in separate, unrelated incidents, but not until after he heard from one of the victim’s loved ones. Rico Tiger, 25, accepted a plea deal in December for convictions of attempted murder, … Read more

Days before trial, man charged in Fremont police killing of pregnant teen takes plea deal, 17-year prison term

Days before trial, man charged in Fremont police killing of pregnant teen takes plea deal, 17-year prison term

OAKLAND — With the start of his jury trial just days away, a 25-year-old Bay Area man accepted a plea deal required him to admit fault for the Fremont police killing of 16-year-old Elena Mondragon, as well as an earlier, unrelated fatal crash in Oakland. Rico Tiger pleaded no contest on Dec. 11 to attempted … Read more