California spot makes list of world’s best nude beaches

California spot makes list of world’s best nude beaches

By Joe Yogerst | CNN 2024 is already shaping up to be another banner year for nudity around the world with a nude cruise and nude beach weddings on the horizon. Earlier this year, tour and travel company Bare Necessities announced an 11-day voyage from Miami to the Caribbean in collaboration with Norwegian Cruise Line. … Read more

Tripadvisor’s top 10 beaches in the world include some spectacular entries

Tripadvisor’s top 10 beaches in the world include some spectacular entries

In the midst of this rainy, rainy weather, Tripadvisor just rolled out some sunny news, its 2024 travelers’ choice award for the “Best of the Best Beaches” — around the world and here in the U.S. The top 25 include beaches in 18 countries on five continents. (What, Antarctica’s Playa del McMurdo and its balmy … Read more

Tourist in rented Jeep drives straight off Hawaii cliff into the ocean

Tourist in rented Jeep drives straight off Hawaii cliff into the ocean

SOUTH POINT, Hawaii (KITV) — A tourist in a rented Jeep drove straight off a cliff on the island of Hawaii and was rescued only because local spearfishers were camping in the area. The crash was reported around 3:30 a.m. Sunday by two men who had been asleep at a campsite near the island’s southernmost … Read more

California hiker rescued 3 days after nearly 1,000-foot fall off Hawaii trail

California hiker rescued 3 days after nearly 1,000-foot fall off Hawaii trail

By Ashley R. Williams | CNN A hiker from California who fell about 1,000 feet to the bottom of a mountain down a trail in Hawaii called his rescue “a miracle” after he survived three days before being found. “I never expected a day of hiking like this to go the way it did,” Ian … Read more