A masked man leapt from bush and killed a Hayward man. Photos, phone records, and a Selena Gomez song led to arrest of wife, lover

A masked man leapt from bush and killed a Hayward man. Photos, phone records, and a Selena Gomez song led to arrest of wife, lover

HAYWARD — It all started at 10:20 p.m. on Oct. 8, when 35-year-old Razma Mohammed-Ibrahim ran to her neighbors’ door, frantically stating that she found her 51-year-old husband dead from stab wounds and needed them to call 911. But now, the Hayward police investigation has ended with the arrested of Mohammed-Ibrahim on charges of arranging … Read more

Man charged with brutal stabbing, beating of 81-year-old man

Man charged with brutal stabbing, beating of 81-year-old man

OAKLAND — A 28-year-old man has been charged with beating and stabbing an 81-year-old man in a seemingly random attack in Hayward, court records show. The suspect was wrestled into submission by several witnesses to the attack, until police arrived and detained him. After police arrived, the man allegedly said that the victim had chosen … Read more