Epic Trail Cam Photos Shows Fight Between Eagles and Coyote

Epic Trail Cam Photos Shows Fight Between Eagles and Coyote

HawkWatch International A set of painterly trail cam photos capturing an epic fight between two golden eagles and a coyote over a deer carcass have gone viral. The epic images were captured by HawkWatch International, a raptor conservation charity, back in 2022 but were previously unknown until they were shared by the Nature is Metal … Read more

Conservationists Use AI and Photography to Help Hedgehogs

Conservationists Use AI and Photography to Help Hedgehogs

The National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme of the United Kingdom has a new tool to monitor the declining hedgehog population: artificial intelligence. Images taken from trail cameras in urban parks, private gardens, woodlands, and farmland will first get sorted by AI, hopefully removing blank images or those capturing people. Human volunteers will then go through the … Read more