Top Electrical Safety Tips You Should Know To Protect Your Home

You use electricity all the time without even thinking about it. It powers your lights, your television, the internet, mobile phones, water heaters, and so much more. It’s easy to take electricity for granted, to many it is an essential part of daily life, a necessity not a luxury.

It certainly makes life easier but it can also be dangerous. Electrical faults at home cause electric shocks, they can damage electronics, and bad wiring can even start fires. In short, you need to take precautions when using electricity to keep you and your family safe.

Get Regular Inspections

Perhaps the most important thing you should be doing to protect your home is to get a qualified Sydney electrician to inspect your electrics annually. They will check that all appliances are working efficiently, there are no signs of electrical leakage, and that your wiring and associated breakers are all in good condition.

An annual inspection allows you to locate and fix problems before they become a major issue.

Cover Sockets When Not In Use

This mainly applies to households with children although it can be useful in all homes. If the outlet isn’t being used then put a socket cover in place. It prevents anything from being accidentally put into the socket and causing injury or a fire

Avoid Overloading Circuits

Each circuit in your house is designed to take up to eight appliances. However, that doesn’t mean you should plug eight appliances in at the same time as their combined power may be too much for the wiring. When this happens the wiring gets warm and this can lead to the outer sheath melting, exposing wires. That makes it more likely there will be electric shocks and sparks that can start fires.

Think about what is already plugged in before you plug something else into a circuit.

Never Coil Extension Cords

Another way of overloading the circuits is to add extension cables, this multiplies the number of outlets available, increasing the risk of melting wiring.

Another problem with extension cables is when they are left coiled. This allows the heat in the cable to build up faster, potentially starting a fire. If you have to use an extension cable keep it as short as possible and uncoil the entire length before using it.

Unplug When Not In Use

Equally, if you’re not using an appliance, unplug it. That reduces the risk of overloads and the appliance being damaged by power surges. It can also save you money on your electric bill!

Keep Water Away from Electricity

Finally, remember that water is very good at conducting electricity. That’s why outlets should never be placed near water sources and you should only touch outlets and switches with dry hands.

Allowing the two to connect means you’ll be providing an easy path for the electricity to flow down, potentially electrocuting you and even starting a fire.

It is important to remember that getting an electrician to handle electrical issues is the recommended solution It’s safest and ensures you comply with the current laws surrounding wiring at home.

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